Benefits of Yellow Tea

Although an extremely rare of Chinese Tea Yellow Tea health benefits are famous in tea circles. Although not nearly as studied as Green Tea Yellow Tea, in many ways, is more beneficial than Green Tea. Hopefully with the increase in interest, Yellow Tea will become more readily available in the future.

Yellow Tea Antioxidants

Free Radicals are molecules which are linked to diseases and signs of aging, including cancers, wrinkles, and dark spots. Antioxidants are molecules which are capable of preventing, or at least slowing down the oxidation of cells. Oxidation can produce free radicals, which start chain reactions which damage cells and cause the above mentioned problems. The high levels of antioxidants found in Yellow Tea also promote dental health and the fight against the weakening of bones.
People who experience pain in their joints are advised to drink four to five cups of Yellow Tea every day to help alleviate pain and other symptoms associated with bone problems.

Cancer Prevention

It has recently been discovered that one of Yellow Tea health benefits is its effectiveness in the fight against cancer. Flavonoids, a type of antioxidant found in Yellow Tea inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevent the development of new ones. It is believed that the drinking Yellow Tea can help in the fight against colon, prostate, and stomach cancers. In some cases Yellow Tea has been found to be as effective as some prescription drugs, without the side effects.

Lowering Blood Pressure

It has been shown that Yellow Tea has the ability to thin the blood and improve the function of arteries. Yellow Tea can also lower high blood pressure and maintain a healthy level. By helping promote healthy blood vessels, Yellow Tea can help lower the effects of a stroke.

Heart Health

Yellow Tea’s ability to thin the blood and lower blood pressure protects the heart and the entire circulatory system. Researchers have recently discovered that people who drink two or more cups of tea a day are almost 50% less likely to die after suffering a heart attack.

Lowering Cholesterol

Recent studies have shown that the catechins, another group of antioxidant, found in Yellow Tea can reduce cholesterol. There are two types of cholesterol, good and bad cholesterol. Yellow Tea increases the good, while decreasing the bad. This helps prevent the hardening of arteries.


Besides possessing delicate and wonderful flavors and aromas, Yellow Tea can help maintain and improve your health. Yellow Tea health benefits are numerous and it is believed that more startling discoveries will be uncovered in the near future. Yellow Tea is a wonderful addition to your health regime.
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