Benefits of Red Rice

Red rice is a type of unpolished rice that has higher nutritional value than white rice or polished rice. Cooking time is usually longer than white rice and has a nutty flavor and sweeter taste. It is rich in fiber content, Vitamin B1 & B2, iron and calcium. Owing to high nutritive content and health benefits of red rice, it is highly recommended for heart patients and diabetics. It is also popular among health freaks and fitness enthusiasts as its high fiber content helps gain less weight. By consuming red rice, one can get the following nutrients and health benefits.
Red rice benefits one in the same way as whole grain foods. It is loaded with fiber. Fibers are stored in the gastrointestinal passage for a long time,

Brewing Red Tea

Brewing Red Tea is quite simple, but most people worry so much about ceremony, length of brewing and water temperatures that they forget to enjoy the tea. Of course the other factors are important, but you must remember that it’s all about the tea. Both the brewing times and water temperature are for reference. Everyone’s taste is different and you may find that you prefer your tea to be a bit stronger, or weaker. An excellent rule of thumb when brewing Red Tea is that if it tastes good to you, then it is brewed properly. 

Brew the tea the way that tastes best to you. You will find as you continue to drink tea that your tastes will have changed. This is normal. In the beginning you will worry about the technical aspects of tea, but as time goes on, you will find that you no longer think of them and just brew tea by feel. So relax, take a deep breath and enjoy tea.

History of Red Tea

There is some confusion between Red Tea and Black Tea. They are in fact, the very same type of tea although the traditional Chinese Teas and the Western Teas are very different in aroma and flavor. Originally the English or Black Teas were identical to China's Red ones, but over time the flavors of the Western Black tea has been altered. In China the tea has remained unchanged and it is this wonderful tea that started the English's love of tea. In China, Tea is never mixed with milk or sugar. Its aromas and flavors are rich and robust with long lasting aromas that should not be covered up with milk or sugar. Although it is the mostly widely drank tea in the world, it has a very small following in China. 

Benefits of Yellow Tea

Although an extremely rare of Chinese Tea Yellow Tea health benefits are famous in tea circles. Although not nearly as studied as Green Tea Yellow Tea, in many ways, is more beneficial than Green Tea. Hopefully with the increase in interest, Yellow Tea will become more readily available in the future.

Yellow Tea Antioxidants

Free Radicals are molecules which are linked to diseases and signs of aging, including cancers, wrinkles, and dark spots. Antioxidants are molecules which are capable of preventing, or at least slowing down the oxidation of cells. Oxidation can produce free radicals, which start chain reactions which damage cells and cause the above mentioned problems. The high levels of antioxidants found in Yellow Tea also promote dental health and the fight against the weakening of bones.

History of Yellow Tea

The rarest of all types of Chinese Tea, Yellow tea is relatively unknown and very difficult to find. It is believed that the tea was first produced during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Originally made just for locals, the teas have slowly faded into obscurity and now all but three varieties are lost. Only Jun Shan Yin Zhen (Silver Needle), which is different than the White Tea variety, Meng Ding Huang Ya, and Mo Gan Huang Ya still exist. The other verities processing methods have been lost. The reason for this is that the teas are very difficult to produce, and were not sold outside of their processing regions. Green Tea is far more profitable and easier to produce, so farmers switched to Green Teas. Yellow Tea is very lightly oxidized, similar to White Tea.